Baugh Foundation Grant Provides Opportunities for Logsdon Students

Eula Mae and John Baugh are remembered in the business world as founders of SYSCO Corporation, but their legacy as Christ-like Baptist leaders lives on through the impact of their foundation.
The Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation has provided a generous grant to Logsdon Seminary with funds allotted to create a scholarship for women in ministry, an assistance fund for refugee and international students, a new student lounge and seminar room, and new furnishings in the Logsdon building.
This is not the first time the Baugh family has partnered with Logsdon. The Baugh Foundation provided the major gift to renovate Logsdon’s San Antonio extension campus at Trinity Baptist Church.
“The John and Eula Mae Baugh Foundation have been remarkable supporters of Baptist causes for decades,” said Logsdon Dean Dr. Robert Ellis. “We are honored that the foundation has granted our request for funds to update our facility and provide assistance to needy students. They are helping to shape the leaders of the church in the next generation.”
One such leader is incoming Logsdon student, Katie Earles ’18. Earles was awarded the first Baugh Scholarship for Women in Ministry during the Logsdon Awards Ceremony on April 27.
“I am honored and humbled to have received this scholarship,” said Earles. “While I’m currently a student pastor, this scholarship has created opportunities for me to learn about all fields of ministry at Logsdon Seminary in the fall. I’m incredibly thankful for all the professors who have helped me so far in my journey, and I’m excited to see what seminary has in store.”
The Baugh Foundation grant also created the Baugh Student Assistance Fund for Refugee and International Students. Logsdon Seminary has a growing community of international and refugee students at the Abilene, San Antonio, and DFW campuses. While these students receive scholarships for tuition, they often find themselves in need of funds for fees, living expenses, and books. This student assistance fund will aid students with such costs.
One recipient is Kisemei Kupe. He, his wife and their four children moved from Kenya to the U.S. when he took a leave of absence as the pastor of a significant church in Nairobi to pursue a seminary education. He was accepted to Logsdon, but had to wait two years to get a visa and come to the U.S. He speaks of the miracle that God worked in providing visas for his whole family. Today, Kupe is in his second year of study for the Master of Divinity, making excellent grades. Because of the Baugh Student Assistant Fund, he is able to continue his education and support his family.
The grant will also fund the construction and furnishing of Logsdon’s Baugh Student Lounge and Baugh Seminar Room. The lounge will provide a space for seminary students to foster their relationships, and the seminar room will create additional space for Doctorate of Ministry students. The two rooms will be converted from one large room in the Logsdon facility. Construction has already begun and is expected to be completed before classes resume in August.
Additionally, the funds will be used to create hall alcoves in the Logsdon office wing to create a legacy center for the Logsdon family and tables and chairs for a student collaboration space. Remaining funds will be used to provide furniture for the Logsdon Reception Room, the faculty lounge, and the office lobby.