HSU to Celebrate International Week
HSU will host our first International Week, Jan. 23-30. The week consists of events for students and alumni of all backgrounds to learn about the culture and heritage of our international students.
“The reason we decided to have International Week is to celebrate our international students and the vast diversity we now have on campus,” said Trey Hudgens, Director for Global Engagement. “HSU is Global University that now hosts students from over 26 countries around the world. This will be a time where students, faculty, and staff will learn about different cultures and hear about ways to get involved in future opportunities.”
The week will kick off with an international chapel service featuring well-known worship songs sung in different languages. The message will be brought by Kisemei Kupe, a graduate student at Logdson Seminary and HSU’s Global Engagement Ambassador.
“I think this is the way God intended us to live,” said junior Michelle Chahyadi, Student Services Representative for Global Engagement. “The Lord wants us to live in unity and be united in diversity.”
In previous years, international students have hosted Taste of the World, where they served signature dishes from their home countries. International week will include this event, again, but with a new twist.
“In this year’s Taste of the World, we will have a sampling of numerous international foods from around the globe,” Hudgens said. “Students will be dressed in their native attire and will share how these dishes were prepared. If you have never had the opportunity to fly outside the US and experience authentic international food, this is a perfect event for you!”
Another featured event is a soccer match where attendees can watch a game, meet the HSU Soccer teams, and get food from the London Express food truck.
To raise awareness of the diverse international culture and realities for international students at HSU, a panel consisting of three students, two faculty, a representative from the International Rescue Committee, and one administrative staff member will discuss cultural diversity. The panel will host a Q&A at the end of the event for attendees. This event will offer chapel credit.
The week will conclude with an International Night of Worship. Chapel credit will be available at this event, as well.
The International Student Fellowship will be selling International Week t-shirts for $12.00. All proceeds will be donated to the International Rescue Committee in Abilene. To purchase a shirt, visit https://commerce.cashnet.com/HSUTXHSL
Schedule for the Week:
Jan. 23, 9:30 a.m. International Chapel (Behrens Auditorium)
Jan. 23, 5:30 p.m. International Discussion Panel (Moody 108)
Jan. 25, 12 p.m. International Buffet (HSU Dining Hall)
Jan. 26, 5:30 p.m. Taste of the World (Johnson Multipurpose Room)
Jan. 27, 9:30 a.m. Service Project (Connally Mission Center)
6:00 p.m. International Alumni Dinner (Off-campus)
Jan. 28, 12:30 p.m. Soccer Match (Intramural Fields)
Jan. 29, 12 p.m. International Opportunities Fair (Moody 108)
Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m. International Night of Worship (Logsdon Chapel)