Leadership Studies Program to Host Texas Crisis Simulation

HSU’s Leadership Studies program always has an exciting project underway. Whether it is a bike ride, study abroad trip, or Model United Nations competition, the group is always on the go. Their current project is planning the first-ever Texas Crisis Simulation set for April 13-14.
Held at the HSU campus, this conference will test and develop participants’ thinking and teamwork skills as they plan responses to three possible Texas crises: Texas secession, Hurricane Harvey, and the North Korea Crisis. Participants will learn to identify and define problems, develop solutions in a changing and political context, and build influence and alliances.
HSU Leadership’s Model UN team will host and facilitate the event. After participating in a Florida Crisis Simulation, the team made it their mission to share their experience in their home state.
“Participating in this conference will be a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Michelle Chahyadi, Leadership Studies Event Coordinator. “Not only will it be great for your resume, but it will also build your international awareness and your thinking skills. Attending this event shows that you are proactive and that you take charge of your future.”
The conference is open to both high school and college students. The registration fee is $10 which covers breakfast and snacks. The dress is business professional, and no prior experience is needed. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 6, but late applications will be accepted. The application can be found here.