Newly Formed College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies
Hardin-Simmons University is pleased to announce the creation of the College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies.
Dr. Perry K. Brown, Dean of the College, stated, “The new College will provide undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in the fields of educator preparation, human development, counseling, athletic training, exercise science, recreation, and leadership. Our mission is to encourage our students to be actively engaged in lives of service through involvement in our communities and schools.”
The new college will house The Irvin School of Education, The School of Kinesiology, Health, and Recreation, and the Department of Counseling and Human Development. Currently, the Irvin School of Education and the Department of Counseling and Human Development are in existence. The Irvin School of Education was named for Dr. William Irvin and his wife, Jimmie and the name will remain. The School of Kinesiology, Health and Recreation was formerly the Department of Fitness and Sports Sciences and will become the School of Kinesiology, Health, and Recreation.
According to David Stuckey, Chair of the School of Kinesiology, Health, and Recreation, “The new college better describes the existing programs within the college and new programming that will added in the next few years. The name change and the move to college status, comes at a time when the school has a growing number of students. HSU is currently building several new buildings and we are looking forward to new facilities such as the Human Performance Lab and new Fitness Center.” The programs within the school will prepare students to become physical education teachers, athletic trainers, and fitness, recreation and health professionals. The school will continue to provide opportunities for research and outreach into the community. Besides the undergraduate programs, the school will provide a new online graduate Kinesiology Sports and Recreation program. “The new structure will provide additional opportunities to enhance current programs, including new external program accreditations, while starting new programs that are relevant to today’s students and their professional goals,” stated Stuckey.
Dr. Renee Collins, Chair of the Irvin School of Education, states, “The new college will provide opportunities for HSU students to complete certifications in EC-12 education, Special Education, English as a Second Language, Human Services Administration, and other special programing. We are building a new facility to house The Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning, which will allow HSU to provide professional development training, teacher special education certification, and support for parents of children with dyslexia or within the spectrum of autism. Graduate programs will continue to include reading specialists and gifted education. Two graduate programs on the horizon include Special Education and Higher Education & Student Affairs. The school will continue to provide a doctorate in Leadership with concentrations in Educational Leadership in Superintendency, Higher Education, and Health Care Professions.”
Dr. Robert Barnes is the Chair of the Department of Counseling and Human Development. The department offers a professionally oriented Master’s degree program that prepares individuals for counselor positions in a variety of settings. COHD prepares counselors with specialties in the areas of addictions and school counseling for P-12 schools, colleges, universities, private facilities, and clinical and mental health settings. Dr. Barnes considers the term “Human Sciences” to more accurately describe the contemporary counselor education program. The move to a college will not change the admission process for any of the currently offered programming.
Dean Brown stated, “As we began to research our new degree, the Bachelor of Science in Human Science, we found that many colleges and universities had already moved to Schools and Colleges of Human Sciences. Today’s college students are looking for terms they can related to. Having all of our programs located in a School of Education no longer made sense. Students are looking for career choices and when they begin to search, they look for terms that are relevant to them in reference to today’s economy. The College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies better describes who we are and the programming we offer. In our new college, we will build curriculum to engage students in thinking about human connections, serving the community and providing leadership in the examination of real-world issues.”
Dean Brown stated, “The goal will be to cultivate productive students grounded in theory, who are prepared to lead and serve in our communities and world-wide. We are dedicated to excellence in researching real-world issues ranging from human development and performance, human relationships, health and exceptionalities to innovative ideas and practice in education.”
Hardin-Simmons University is dedicated to excellence in an educational community enlightened by Christian faith and values. HSU encourages students to be actively engaged in their world by living lives of service through active involvement in intellectual, cultural, and religious communities.