2022 Homecoming King and Queen

October 28, 2022 Charis Ochu

Jailyn Woods-Mcgarthy

Jailyn Woods-Mcgarthy poses with her homecoming court escort.

2022 University Homecoming Queen



The 2022 Hardin-Simmons University Homecoming Queen is senior Jailyn Woods-Mcgarthy. Originally from Hutchins, Texas, Woods-Mcgarthy will graduate in May with her bachelor’s in strategic communication with a marketing minor.

Woods-Mcgarthy shared that studying in the field of communication allows her to understand relationships better in the real world as well as in a work environment. Jai, as she is fondly called, is always ready to wave hello across the campus and have conversations with peers with a huge smile on her face. 

Woods-Mcgarthy is incredibly involved in different bodies on campus as the president of Proven, HSU’s Black Student Union, and the Student Government Association (SGA) as a senior class senator. Furthermore, she is a member of the HSCru dance team and serves as an HSU ambassador.  

“I love the family that you become a part of once you are a cowboy,” she shared. “It is comforting to know that you can build relationships, praise God, and learn all on the same campus!” 

Woods-Mcgarthy’s advice to HSU students is to, “study, get involved on campus, and have faith. Believe and trust in God, form friendships, and do not procrastinate.” 

In her free time, Woods-Mcgarthy loves to dance, cook, learn how to crochet, shop, or take pictures. After graduation, she plans to move back to the Dallas area to pursue a career in broadcasting, public relations, or social media. “Being able to use my voice to advocate for others is my passion,” she explained. 

“Words cannot express my gratitude and adoration for HSU faculty and staff members,” she said. Woods-Mcgarthy would like to say a big thank you to the University Marketing office, President Bruntmyer, the catering staff, and HSU police department. 

“Being crowned University Homecoming Queen is like a dream come true! I am so blessed and honored. Knowing that I have such a positive impact on students here at HSU makes me smile on the inside and out.” shared Woods-Mcgarthy. 


Karson Gopffarth poses with his homecoming court escort.

Karson Gopffarth

2022 University Homecoming King



This year’s University Homecoming King is senior Karson Gopffarth.

Originally from Keller, TX, Gopffarth is a legacy student with a rich family history at HSU, including his siblings of which he is the last to graduate. 

“My favorite part about HSU was initially the friendships,” he shared. “Now, as I grow up, I have loved to see the legacies that my grandmother, parents, and in-laws have left here.” 

Gopffarth will graduate this December with his bachelor’s in biology and a minor in honors. “My course of study has allowed me to be a part of two communities of very intelligent people who have challenged me in many ways,” he shared. 

Following graduation, Gopffarth plans to go overseas with the International Mission’s Board (IMB) for a semester before returning to HSU in the summer to begin HSU’s competitive Physician Assistant Program. 

As an active leader on campus, Gopffarth has served in leadership positions within the Student Activity Board (SABERS) and the Julius Olsen Honors Council and has participated as a member of the Pre-Health Club, the hiking club (Hunters, Gatherers, and Travelers, or “HGT,”) and the International Student Fellowship (ISF). In his free time, Gopffarth loves to swim, paint, sing, watch movies with friends, or cook. Furthermore, he loves to collect plants and has around 40 plants in his apartment.

Karson would like to thank Jack Lowry, Megan McKinney, and Josh Hazen for being great encouragements, leaders, and friends to him. 

“Being crowned Homecoming King is a huge honor and sweet reminder of the people I love here at HSU,” shared Goppfarth.
