HSU Triathlon Challenge: A Test of Strength and Endurance

July 24, 2024 Charis Ochu

Every summer, the Fletcher Fitness Center provides faculty, staff, and students with different resources and opportunities to stay fit. One such event is the HSU Triathlon. The HSU Triathlon is an Ironman Triathlon that includes a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2-mile run to be completed over eight weeks. Participants who complete the challenge receive a T-shirt to commemorate their achievement. Participants can compete in the triathlon solo or on a team of up to three people.

We met with some faculty, staff, and students participating in the triathlon to share their experiences. 

Avery Bruntmyer ’25 | biology major/biochemistry minor 

In the past, I have completed a few sprint triathlons and always wanted to complete an Ironman. The eight-week HSU Triathlon challenge offered an easier way to try it out. This is my third year participating and my favorite part has to be seeing the lead board each week because it motivates me to stay active and keep working hard. 

Dr. Lindsay Spindler | Professor and Dept. Head in the Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Recreation 

My main motivation to join this year’s triathlon was my desire to do something that helped me maintain consistency in staying healthy. I am generally pretty good at making time for exercise and this was just another opportunity to be held accountable and to challenge myself. I love that the triathlon helps me challenge myself to be consistent. This has really motivated me to get on my bike in the mornings. Furthermore, I enjoy swimming, and this competition provides the perfect opportunity to do that. 

Berlin Taylor ’25 | exercise science major 

Last year, I could not participate because I went home for the summer break, but I had the opportunity to complete the challenge two years ago. This year, I wanted to participate again, but with a friend this time. I love being physically active, and even more so with a friend. I am thankful for this challenge because it gives me a sense of accomplishment and motivates me to keep physically active. 

Sarah Palma ’22/’24 | Social Media & Communications Specialist 

I decided to participate in the triathlon as a personal challenge to be more active, especially during the summer months. I love the community it builds. It is so inspiring to see my fellow competitors and how far they push themselves. I also love working as a team, which promotes accountability and encouragement to continue pushing forward. 

Rohith Reddy Dasi Reddy ’25 | computer science major/cybersecurity minor 

The HSU triathlon is a great way to compete with fellow students on campus. I love cycling and occasionally jogging at either the gym or my house. Participating in the triathlon instills discipline, helping me set and reach weekly goals. Usually, I am quite occupied with work and household chores during the summer, but the triathlon motivates me to make time for exercise. The best part of the triathlon is seeing everyone’s progress, especially my boss. It is fun trying to beat him at something. 
