Six White Horses Tryouts Announced
The Cowgirl is more than just a mascot at Hardin-Simmons. For eight talented young ladies, it is more of an identity. Tryouts for the Six White Horses begin Sept. 18, at 5:00 p.m. at the Doc Beazley White Horse Barn on 2802 Grape St.
To be selected, participants must be enrolled in at least twelve hours and in good standing with HSU. Tryouts will consist of grooming, handling, saddling, riding with a flag, and an interview with a panel of judges. The judges will rate each rider’s horsemanship, attitude, and appearance, and the top eight riders will be selected for the team.
All returning riders are required to try out each year to ensure that the most qualified riders make up the team. Attire for tryouts is a long-sleeve button-down shirt, jeans, boots, and an optional western hat.
About the Six White Horses
The Six White Horses have performed for millions in parades, rodeos and at many other public functions. While thousands see the horses at many public functions throughout the year, an important part of their work is visiting the area elementary schools. Each year, more than 15,000 children have the opportunity to sit on a White Horse. This opportunity has further developed an awareness of the program and a love for the Horses by children in the Big Country. “Doc” Beazley’s books, depicting the life of each horse, are an important part of many children’s treasures.
For more information, contact Debbie Jones at 325-670-1311 or